Powerfields Product Catalog

Powerfields.com | 1-800-843-3702 25 P-NPX.......................... Grazier Netting P-NSPCX2......................... Poultry Pen P-NSG12X50............ Bee/Bear Netting 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 8 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 8 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 8 7 DOUBLE-SPIKED STEP-IN POSTS At 48” tall and 164’ long, this positive/negative Commercial Grazier Netting effectively protects and contains poultry, dogs, pigs, sheep, and goats. 14 horizontal lines with 13 double-spiked step-in posts. Semi-rigid vertical stays prevent drooping between posts. To prevent electrical shorting during weed growth, the bottom line is non-conductive. Stainless-steel conductors will not rust. 3½” vertical line spacing. Orange/green. Made in USA. At 40” tall and 82’ long, this positive/ negative Electric Poultry Pen effectively protects and contains poultry, small animals, gardens, and beehives. 10 horizontal lines with 7 double-spiked step-in posts. Semirigid vertical stays prevent drooping between posts. To prevent electrical shorting during weed growth, the bottom line is non-conductive. Stainless-steel conductors will not rust. 3½” vertical line spacing. Orange/green. Made in USA. At 40” tall and 50’ long, this positive/ negative Bear/Bee Netting protects beehives by keeping bears and other predators out. 12 horizontal lines with 5 double-spiked stepin posts. Semi-rigid vertical stays prevent drooping between posts. To prevent electrical shorting during weed growth, the bottom line is non-conductive. Stainless-steel conductors will not rust. 7” vertical line spacing. Orange/green. Made in USA. NO GROUND ROD NECESSARY NO GROUND ROD NECESSARY NO GROUND ROD NECESSARY PORTABLE Electric Fence GRAZIER NETTING POULTRY PEN BEE/BEAR NETTING SPLIT-TOP POSTS GRADUATED SPACING STAINLESS CONDUCTORS SEMI-RIGID VERTICAL STAYS