Powerfields Product Catalog

Powerfields.com | 1-800-843-3702 28 12½ Gauge 180KSI High-Tensile Wire Powercote Coated Wire Powerfields Coated Wire The standard for both electric and non-electric fences. Class 3 galvanized, 180 KSI wire. Ideal for all perimeter fences. Can be hand-knotted or crimped. Minimum break strength of 1,385 pounds. 200 KSI, 12 ½ gauge high-tensile wire with a high-quality, UV-resistant plastic coating. Three black carbon strips carry an electrical current. This electricity adds security along with safety, visibility, and good looks to your fence. 200 KSI, 12 ½ gauge high-tensile wire molecularly bonded to a high-quality, UV-resistant plastic coating. Adds safety, visibility, and good looks to your fence. This wire cannot be electrified. P-HT18-50. ................................................2,000’ Coil P-HT18-100. ..............................................4,000’ Coil P-WSWH...................................................1,320’ Coil P-WTW......................................................1,320’ Coil Coated high-tensile wire offers more visibility and safety than traditional high-tensile. Powercote can be electrified for added security. Coated wire accessories are available. Call for details. l b l b l b HIGH-TENSILE FenceWire POWERFIELDS CoatedWire COATED FenceWire