Powerfields Product Catalog

Powerfields.com | 1-800-843-3702 32 1¾” Barbed Staples Brace Pins Class 3 galvanized, 1¾” double-barbed staples for superior hold. Available in 25 pack, 10-pound tub, or 40-pound bucket. Galvanized brace pins make the H-style end or corner braces neat, strong, and simple to install. They are used to hold the top horizontal rail in place between the end post and next brace post in the ground. P-HBS-25.................................................. 1¾”, 25/pk P-HBS-TUB................................1¾”, 10-Pound Tub P-HBS-40.............................. 1¾”, 40-Pound Bucket P-H5PE........................................ 5” Brace Pin, 5/pk P-H5P100................................ 5” Brace Pin, 100/pk P-H1PE...................................... 10” Brace Pin, 5/pk P-H1P100.............................. 10” Brace Pin, 100/pk 1½" Barbed Staples 2" Barbed Staples Class 3 galvanized, 1½” double-barbed staples for superior hold. Available in 10-pound tub or 40-pound bucket Class 3 galvanized, 2” double-barbed staples for superior hold. Available in 10-pound tub or 40-pound bucket P-HBM-TUB. .............................. 1½" 10-pound Tub P-HBM-40............................. 1½" 40-Pound Bucket P-HB2-TUB. .................................. 2" 10-pound Tub P-HB2-40..................................2" 40-Pound Bucket Multi-Purpose Fence Tool Made of hardened steel with rust-resistant bright finish and ergonomic handles with black insulated grips. Packaged with sturdy header card for easy peg hook merchandising. Qty: 1. P-FT.................................Multi-Purpose Fence Tool Barbed staples should not be driven tight against the wire or tube insulators on line posts. You can utilize the natural spring of high-tensile wire and permit easy tightening and retightening of the line wire if the wire can move freely. The most common cause of staple pullout is improperly driving them into the wood post. Choose the correct size staple for the application. Use at least 13/4” for posts at rises and dips. Drive staples at a slight angle, straddling the wood grain. Rotate away from flat face. Always wear safety glasses when driving staples. Left cut: rotate away from flat face. STRONGER WEAKER Rise Post Dip Post Right cut: rotate away from flat face. STRONGER WEAKER Rise Post Dip Post STRONGER WEAKER Rise Post Dip Post STRONGER WEAKER Rise Post Dip Post STRONGER WEAKER Rise Post Dip Post STRONGER WEAKER Rise Post Dip Post Follow these rules to avoid problems: • • • SAFETY FIRST ! Braces are the backbone of any fence and must be built correctly. Braces may be single or double, however the width should always be 2½ times the height of the fence. Cross members should be pipe, tubing, or round wood posts. Never use 4 x 4 or landscape timbers. FENCEWIRE Fasteners DRIVING STAPLES BRACING Your Fence