Powerfields.com | 1-800-843-3702 33 Gritted Crimp Sleeves Used to maintain the strength of the wire when splicing. At the end posts and inline tightener bracket use 2 sleeves. Gritted for superior strength. P-C12-25.................................... 14-16 Gauge, 25/pk P-C12-100................................14-16 Gauge, 100/pk P-C23-25......................................12½ Gauge, 25/pk P-C23-100.................................. 12½ Gauge, 100/pk P-C34-10................................ 10½-14 Gauge, 10/pk P-C34-50. .............................. 10½-14 Gauge, 50/pk P-C45-10......................................8-10 Gauge, 10/pk P-C45-50......................................8-10 Gauge, 50/pk P-C45 P-C23 Open Tap Crimp Sleeves For permanent electrical connections. Use on 12½ or 14 gauge wire. Open side allows for installation onto existing high-tensile fence. P-CT4............................................... Open Tap, 10/pk 4-Slot Crimping Tool Crimps all sleeves including 8-12½ gauge and 14-16 gauge. Long handles provide leverage to make crimping easier. With proper care, these tools will last a lifetime. 20¾” length. Made in China. Qty: 1. P-TFFG.....................................4-Slot Crimping Tool Place sleeve into appropriate slot in crimp tool and compress into a cylindrical shape. Do not split sleeve into an '8' shape. When using more than 1 sleeve per join, be sure to leave ¼" between to allow proper expansion. • • • For best results, sleeves should be kept dry prior to using. Incorrect sleeve placement Correct sleeve placement FENCEWIRE Fasteners & Connectors PROPER CRIMPING Wire Links Splice wire without a tool. Made with internal, spring-loaded clamps. Qty: 4. P-CWL1213..........................12½ Gauge Wire Links P-CWL1416........................14-16 Gauge Wire Links