Powerfields.com | 1-800-843-3702 40 Animal Minimum Fence Voltage Fence Recommendations Animal Minimum Fence Voltage Fence Recommendations 4000-5000+ Volts • 6' Tall to keep in/out • High Visibility • Minimum 7 Strands 2000-3000 Volts • Bottom Strand 18" from the ground • High visibility • Polytape, polywire, or rope are the safest 4000-5000+ Volts • Difficult to confine • Thick insulating coats require higher voltage • Minimum 4-6 Strands 2000+ Volts • Place first strand 6" from ground to prevent rooting • Minimum 3-4 strands 4000-5000+ Volts •Insulating coats require higher voltage •Strands spaced 6-8" with first wire close to ground to prevent digging 1000-2000 Volts • Requires close wire spacing starting low to the ground 3000-4000+ Volts • High voltage shock needed to control a determined bull • Minimum 4 Strands 700-1000 Volts • Requires close wire spacing starting low to the ground 2000-3000 Volts • Minimum 1-3 Strands depending on disposition and pasture 2000-3000 Volts • Electric netting provides small, close spacing The type of fencing needed for an animal will vary depending on a number of factors including: • Species • Age • Breed • Production/Grazing System • Disposition/Gender • Pasture Availability Deer/Exotics Horses Sheep/Goats/Llamas Swine Predators Small Animals/Pests Bulls/Bison Pets Cows Poultry ANIMAL Considerations ANIMAL CONSIDERATIONS SPECIES REQUIREMENTS